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Woman with blonde hair and red glasses leaning on a painting in an art studio.
Hi! I'm Ruth and this is my online shop.


My passion is creating original acrylic paintings, although I also love working in digital and watercolour. My images tend to be colourful, bold and light-filled. 


When I'm not painting and creating, I'm at the keyboard on my computer. The intersection of technology and art is where I love to be. I have a B.A. in Computer Science with a minor in Fine Art and have worked for over 25 years in the tech sector. I love mixing logic and order with creativity and chaos!


I'm located in Guelph, Ontario, and find much of my inspiration in my garden and the surrounding area.

Have a question, comment or feedback? Please use the form below and I'll get back to you shortly. 

Thank you for your email! I'll reply as soon as I'm able.

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